Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 4th Day 4 Hood River OR. to Goldendale WA.60.4 miles 4412 climbing

Today we leave Hood River City and ride to Goldendale,Washington. We find ourselves back on the Historic Highway 30. It is a wonderful chilly morning,especially on this tree covered road.
We ride into this covered area that protects the road from the rocks above and on into a tunnel.
This picture proves there is a light at the end of the tunnel. 
We were at the top of this mountain. It was so windy up there, We had trouble keeping our bikes up right. When we made the descent we actually had to use our brakes to stay up right and also at some points pedal to go downhill.
This is the descent down that mountain.
We were making our way to a town called Dalles. There is a bridge that we will cross into Washington.
There are huge locks there. We learned when they were built to control the raging river, it also wiped out the salmon fishing for the Indians who had been fishing that area for hundreds of years. It was actually a big trading and social gathering place for the Indian and the trappers. A lot of trading/ commerce for that area
The photo below was on a bike path. To build it they took this massive tube and basically hammered it into the embankment. After that they dug the dirt out of it.
These are the Dalles Locks.
Making our way across the bridge to Washington.
The cross winds on this stretch of road were amazing! It took all of our concentration and balance to stay upright and make our way to highway 14.
Boy Howdy talk about a tailwind, we were flying. There were several vineyards. They also grow cherries there.
So far no matter which way we rode there was always a mountain in the distance.
Goldendale is one small little town. We thought we would be able to watch fireworks, small town style 
It's not gonna happen here. Well we are not inclined to stay up too late tonight because we have a hundred miler to ride tomorrow. We will ride to Walla Walla

1 comment:

  1. Love your tunnel shots, Rhonda.
    The description of the wind plus photos of climb and descent are impressive!
    Susie & Marc
