Friday, July 26, 2013

July 26 Day 25 Lemmon SD. to Mobridge SD.97 Miles 2100 climbing

Well a Cold Front came through last night and we woke up to 46 degrees. Everyone scrambled to get the cool weather gear we had been lugging around. The Weather report on TV last night they started talking how early winter would be arriving. It reminded Jim and I when we were in Montana the first time. Someone told us there were only 3 seasons there. June, July  and Winter.
This young colt was running around and kicking up his heels.
I love this shot. It has the most clouds we have seen. The long rolling road is what we have seen for many days now. What a great trip this is.
This is a Silo  across from the first rest stop. I had to zoom in with the camera to see what was on the side. Bras and Panties!!
I can't imagine what happened to this home .
This was way up on a hill we passed. Never saw the cafe. Josiah Jones is the young fellow on Chris's right and Wilfred in on his left. When Nevin was in a convenience store Joseph ask if he knew Chris Kegel. Nevin was floored. He said yes and said he would be at the trailer in a few minutes. He came over and told us Chris had stayed at his uncles house a few years ago. He went and got his uncle. When Chris arrived they all had a good laugh.
Chris told us later that when they stayed with Wilfred they learned that he was the Shaman for his Lakota tribe. While they were with them they were invited to a Pow Wow. What a great memory
We made this climb of 5 percent. When we reached the top 
This beautiful vista was waiting for us. Not to mention an awesome down hill.
This is in the town of McIntosh
We climbed a 5% grade and came over the top to this vista that went for miles.
Tis is the Mo Bridge. It goes over the Missouri River. We rode across into the city of Mobridge.
All along the road today sunflowers were popping up out of the asphalt.
This one was at the top of the bridge after we crossed. 
And here is Jim popping up the top of the road after crossing the bridge
Across from our hotel there is an interpretative walking trail about the Lewis & Clark trail.Jim, Damon and I took the dogs out and let them off their leashes. What a fun run they had. This is the last shot of the day.

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