Friday, January 9, 2015


Wednesday January 7th pulling out and on our way to Austin for the National Cyclecross races.
We're all excited, however the weather is on our mind. We know it's gonna be cold we just don't know 
How low the temperatures will go. 

We got settled in and spent the evening with our great friends Mike and Judy Pluto. 
Thursday morning and here are Mike and Judy at the races now and lots of stuff going on.
Kathy Johnson flying into the corner on a smoother part of the course. She sure looks fast!

Walking into the pro and vendor area there are also the food vendors. It all looks good.

Now this is Hollywood a.k.a. Nathan. He and Brook Watts stayed with us last week for the Cyclecross races in Garland. Jim named him Hollywood. Something about the hair.
 Hollywood is 14 and ready to rock and roll

This photo and the one below is Kim Chance climbing one of the many stair climbs on the course.
This one is great to watch from a spectator points of view...for the racers, a whole lot of work.

A shot of Kathy Johnson. Whew, a fall caused her shorts to ride up and her knee warmers to drop.
That's hard to fix when your in a hurry.

Hollywood with his Mom, Kristin and Brooke Watts. Brooke is the race promoter for CrossVegas. 
If you ever get a chance to go out to Las Vegas to see this race in September it is huge event. 
He does an incredible job. Really a great guy always has a smile.
At the Bike Mart Pit we found Barry Bishop and Theresa Francesconi taking care of everyone.
The fire pit is a big hit and it's amazing how many people can fit around it. Huddled with them is Judy 
Pluto and Jeff Lucido
While Jeff is hugging on Judy and Barry, his wife Kristin is warming up on a trainer for her race 
coming up.
Jim's figured out how to really get things warmed up.
Fashion plate of Cyclecross is Chris Carlson. Here he is sporting a white and baby blue scarf and showing of the repair job his tailor did on his shorts.

Allen Johnson (Kathy Johnson's husband) on the flats in his race. I yelled at him to smile for me. 
I'm sure he did.
Some of the best part of going to bike races is seeing old friends and meeting new ones.
Above Ellie getting hugs from Steve Jolly. Both were reps in the industry together.

Abby is one of our new young racers. It's great to see kids loving the bike as much as we do.

Adam Spears loves riding bike! We love him too!
start of  the race 35 to 39 category. These guys ROCK!!!
This part of the race was fun to watch. Man there was so much going on! It made you dizzy.
I've been heckling for 2 years now and these guys took it to a new level. Those who know me know that the bunny ears were definitely an envy thing for me.
This China berry tree was just part of the terrain. I thought it would like a little recognition.

This is Zap, met him a while back. Does photos for different magazines. Good at what he does.
Knows Jim well. Always has a smile for us.
Barry working hard in the pits. If you only knew how cold it was there you can only appreciate what the pit guys do.
Rob Sandusky is 17 and races for us and is looking forward to Saturday. We will let you know how he does tomorrow. He is a really good pup.
Oh and this is Henry. Equally great pup. He has such a great time with such an incredible attitude.
We love him.

Dell in an orange and blue stocking cap. It's fun to give him a hard time about it.
Time for appetizers,cocktails and Judy stories.
Tonight dinner is at Del and Ellies's, much fun, jalapeƱo cowboy burgers. If you haven't had these, they are awesome. The weather should be really cold and lousy tomorrow, we can't wait so good night and hopefully I can keep up you up to date. Good cold chilly good night.

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