Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 7 day 7 first REST DAY,Walla Walla

We were still up early. Jim and I decided to go down to the trailer and straighten things for the coming week. Everyone started to come down and heading out in different directions or work on their bikes
Jim and Keith had lowered the riser jacks on the camper. They got stuck and would not go back up.
After changing the battery and checking fuses they had to hand crank them up. After all of that Larry came down with information on the movie theater. We wanted to go see The Lone Ranger.
We decided the 11:15 was the best time.

W went a little too early for the movie so we went down town. There was a small market was happening. Jim had his first falafel . Found it pretty tasty. This young lady was selling Walla Walla Sweet onions
This is a shot of the market
So what to do on your first rest day a hot day to boot. Go to the movies and see The Lone Ranger
Martha worked hard to find this wonderful restaurant. It was called the Whitehouse Crawford
What a fine and wonderful dinner. Everyone was really pleased. Everyone was ready to get back on the road. It was a wood planning facility in it's day. Now the building is home to the Resturant and a winery.


  1. I'm curious how many groups are doing this trip right now. I have another friend who's doing ride across america too. Michael Held is his name. Do you guys see other groups?

  2. Hand cranking the riser jacks looks like "arm cycling" on your rest day :-)
