Is the list of each day with miles and destination.
Neven working on his bike. He said if I sent this photo to his wife she would want to know who I
Neven working on his bike. He said if I sent this photo to his wife she would want to know who I
Richard Hardman,Larry Thon, and our good friend Damon Hopper who works with us.
( when Jim bought RBM,Damon came with the store, he was 16 then) and Cindy,Damon's wife.
They will be support now that Keith and Martha are gone.
On the other side you have me Rhonda, Jim, that's all of the Texans.
Mary Handly and Chris Kegle from Milwaukee Wi.
We had great pasta for dinner. We're getting ready for tomorrow.
This is the Clark Fork River. It runs through Missoula. Our hotel was right along the river. All day you
Will find people tubing down the river.
The dinner bunch stopped off at these Salmon Sculptures in the park next to the bridge.
The dinner bunch stopped off at these Salmon Sculptures in the park next to the bridge.
Wow!! Looks like ya'll are having a great time!!