Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 1 Day 62 Road Trip Portland ME to Winklemans PT,New Hampshire

It's early morning and we downstairs seeing who is on their way home or off to other adventures.
Jim,Mike, the pups and I are on our way to see a good friend Brad Hill who lives in New Hampshire.
It's a 2 1/2 hour drive there and it finds us at his lake house on his patio. His house is on a lake called 
Franklin Pierce 
This is Ivy,his daughter. This stop became a vacation supreme for the pups. They swam from about 11:00 to 5:30. 
Ive and Carley, her girlfriend swimming with Diggity and Doogie
Now we have Brad's son they call Little Brad on the left and his friend Christian helping Dig on the raft.
Nancy live full time on the lake with her husband Tim. Here is a shot of the house Brad and Lucy bought 6 years ago. They have taken the small house and made huge additions. A very comfortable home.
Penny is Tim and Nancy's Labrador they were trying to get her to jump off the pier. She would just walk in.
They live in a cove off the main lake very peaceful. Except for a lot of dog barking.
Showers on Labor Day. Jim and I smile. We were so fortunate in our trip to not get the rain like we see this morning
Posing in the doorway of their garage with their Beagle named Sammy.
This is one huge garage.
Saying goodbyes to Lucy and Brad. The kids were sleeping in so we didn't get to say bye to them.
I had a great time with them last night, we played Pictionary. Today we head to Cassadaga NY.
To see Brian and Judy Rapp. They came to see us early on when we got into New York. We will visit them on their farm.

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