Sunday, February 16, 2014

Feb.11 Tuesday 2014 Road Trip! On to Lajitas Texas

Well, we're on the road and the thrill has worn off after about 2 hours and the pups decided snoozing was more exciting,

We woke up this morning. To winter weather alerts that continued from the night before. It wasn't bad at home, but as we headed out highway 20 the weather got pretty icy. The roads were not bad. However when we stopped for gas the station lot was like an ice rink.

Outside of Big Springs the windmills were still. The skies were thick with cold damp weather.
They have a bunch of them out here. You can barely see them through the icy mist.

In Midland the pumps were running and the refineries were doing their thing. Going through Midland 
brought back memories of Laura Bush's book. It's the story of her life in Midland and going on to marry President George Bush and their life together. I enjoyed it. It was just a good story about life.
We are into the west Texas mountains. They are long and stretch out forever. That's what you can do in the great state of Texas. Cause there is a lot of room to stretch.
We have decided to stop in Alpine. It's getting late and we would still have 83 miles to get to Lajitas. The sun is setting and we first thought the bushes here were purple sage. It was sage but the color was from the frost forming on them
You have to be quick out here to get a sunset photo. There is very little pollution and tonight 
No clouds either. We waited and came up on what we would be a great photo to end the evening.
The sun went down fast and it only gets darker around here.

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