Monday and Tuesday we were dealing with some trailer issues so picture taking was not at the top
Of the list. So today is Wednesday and it finds us in the Travers Bay RV Park. About the most plush
Park we have ever stayed in.
Jim's brother Mike and his wife Diana have joined us for a week up in Travers Bay. The fellow
In the picture is Diana's cousin she hasn't seen in many years. He lives on by the water on a road called Penensula Rd.
Her cousin Jim bought this house back in the 70's for $41,000. It is amazing what these houses
Sell for now.
This is his backyard. There is a regatta going on.
We had a great dinner at the boat house.
Ever see hops growing. Well here we are. We thought they were funny kind of grapes.
We went into the old town of Travers Bay and shopped around and had lunch there.
The grounds at the park park wonderful. Doogie and Diggity are taking Mike for a walk.
This photo proves Mike and Diana do ride a bike.
The RV sites are actually owned by many people. The one we were in belonged to the park managers son. The sites are beautifully landscaped.
We in town along the water. We liked this boat they have their bikes right up front.
Never pass up taking a photo of a bike sculpture.
Cherry trees in Michigan are like corn fields to Iowa.
Today we are meeting up with the boys cousins Tom and John Zimmerman. They haven't
Seen each other in 25 years and 40 years.
This is Tom, Jim, John and Mike.
Angie and Tom. It was by chance that Tom was coming into town because Angie being an event planner was here with a conference. It was great we were all able to get together.
John's driving this '67 Mustang. It was bought new and was Angie and Tom's first car when they married.
Back at John's home his daughter Diane stops by to see everyone.
Everyone is so happy to reconnect.
Back at the trailer after a busy day Mike take a snooze. A great way to end fun and happy day.
On our way to Mackinaw Island. I have heard about this place for a very long time. When we were planning our trip this way I told Jim I want to go to Mackinaw Island. When we met cousin Jim, he told us. Not aato go."It was too crowded, full of tourist!" I just looked at him and said "I am a tourist!"
It was great ride to the ferry. Nice pleasant day. We did dress in jeans thinking it would be cool.
Wrong, it was toasty.
This is the bridge over to Mackinaw City. The big truck is part of a military convoy going over to Travers City. Aaa When we get there we will hop on the ferry to the island.
A passing lady took our picture while we were waiting for the ferry.
Here comes the ferry!
When we arrive on Mackinaw Island on the pier you can see the bike rental place.
Had to take a photo of this Bicycle Street.
When we got to the rental place Mike and Di did not want to rent. We rented a little cruiser 8 speed
Tandem. Told them we would meet up with them at 3:00. I got to moving fast and didn't eat breakfast.
So Jim and I rode to a lovely cafe for brunch. The wait staff there were from Jamaica. They come in
May and leave in November.
Along the coast line we noticed down the road there were these stacks of rocks. We would see all
Kinds of people stacking rocks. It went for several miles
Gulls hanging out on the rocks.
When we rode up to this fort it was a really long climb. But the view was spectacular.
We figured out real quick they were rebuilding the fort.
Here 's the tandem. Jim studying a little history.
Another way to get around is by these carriage.
Cool shady tree canopy.
This is the Grand Hotel. It was absolutely gorgeous.
There were lots of flowers in the landscape. Thes poppies seem to have made an escape from
The beds.
Sadie's ice cream was at the end of the grand hotel. Great little ice cream stop, they had sprinkles! Sadie I believe was a
Scottish Terrier.
A carriage exclusively for the Grand Hotel.
After our fill of the infamous Mcackinaw Island we took the ferry back to Saint Ignace. There was a car show going on the main drag by the water. There were so many old cars it is impossible to show you all of the.
However this Chevrolet Nomad is the same as brother Mike bought last year. His is a light green color.
Jim and I are riding to Suttons Bay Mike and Diane are going to meet us there
The water in Lake Michigan is so clear. The color of the water goes from sea glass green to
Deep navy blue.
This old barn had freshly painted new doors
When we got to Suttons Bay there was this amazing garden of color. All of these flowers were made of glass. Some had solar blues. I can only imagine how beautiful it is at night. We wandered with Mike and Di all through this great little shop. We decided to go on to Leelanau. There is an area there called
"Fishtown". We have been told The Cove isa great place for lunch.
Fish Town is an old fishing village that the buildings have survived and now are homes to cafes do shops. At the heart of Fish Town is a real, authentic, working fishing village that hasn't changed in generations. Fish Town is one of the only remaining and active fishing villages in the country. They say If you're looking for fresh fish, you'll certainly find it here.
We were told by a neighbor at the RV Park that the Cove is where we should eat. By all means we needed to order a "ChubMary". Above is what it looks likes really good Bloody Mary with a smoked chub in it. The smoked chub was actually quite tasty. He is some of the rest of the town
A part in shop of fish town. I'm sure it's pointing the direction out too the water.
We rode back into town and ended up with a 60 Mile day on the bike. AWESOME!

We are saying good bye to Mike and Di. They are going home to get ready for family coming in for the Fourth of July. Jim and I found out about the passing of Chris Kegels mom in Milwaukee.
We have decided to go up there and then go back to Indiana for th festivities and see family that didn't make it to the reunion.
Bye Mike and Diane be safe we will see you on the 2nd.
This is the office of the RV Park. It's been a wonderful stay here.
We were able to catch up with Angie and Tom. They are staying another week. Just the two of them.
They are staying at a place right on the water. This shot is off their balcony.
We invited them to the Boathouse. What a great evening.
When we got up to leave we realized we had shut the place down. It was funny Jim went to get the Mustang. It wouldn't start!! It's 10:00 at night,we have to be up at 4:00 to drive to the ferry,..Oh My!
Tom said not to worry he had the same trouble. We got in Jim turned the key and She started right up.
Angie and Tom have a wonderful time this week.
Love you both!